Hinemoana Baker set for Berlin writer’s residency

Poet Hinemoana Baker.

Eight-year-old Hinemoana Baker sat cross-legged in her standard 2 class listening intently to her teacher read the class a short story. It was Witi Ihimaera’s Tangi and it would change her forever.

She had just been to her uncle’s tangi and on hearing Ihimaera’s story, she felt so moved she couldn’t believe everyone in the class wasn’t having the same reaction.

“It was the first time I had ever had that experience of trying not to cry in front of other people. I have never forgotten it.

“I was shocked that words could make me feel that way. I remember feeling like I wanted to run away from those words because they were too strong.”

Words have been her constant companion ever since in the form of poetry, prose and music.

Having spent the better part of a year writing a book, Baker is to return to

Article source: http://www.stuff.co.nz/waikato-times/entertainment/69405058/Hinemoana-Baker-set-for-Berlin-writers-residency