Jesus in Movies and TV

‘A.D. The Bible Continues’ Just the Latest in a Long Line of Movie and TV Productions About Jesus Christ, Christian Media Scholar Asserts

Contact: Tom Snyder, Movieguide®, 805-383-2000,; For an interview with Dr. Ted Baehr, please contact Nikki Dempsey, 888-248-6689,
HOLLYWOOD, April 3, 2015 /Christian Newswire/ — NBC-TV’s Sunday night launch of the new series ‘A.D. The Bible Continues’ is “just the latest in a long line of movie and television productions about Jesus Christ going back 118 years,” says Christian media scholar Dr. Ted Baehr, founder and publisher of Movieguide®: The Family Guide to Movies and Entertainment.

In 1897, two American theatrical producers, Marc Klaw and Abraham Erlanger, filmed a passion play in Horitz, Bohemia. In 1898, R.G. Hollaman and A.G. Eaves photographed a passion play on the roof of a New York skyscraper. The length of the movie was 2,100 feet or 20 minutes. A narrator took the place of captions. Also in that year, the Oberammergau Passion Play was photographed by a Mr. Hurd, an American representative of the first major French filmmakers, the Lumiere brothers, and a French passion play was filmed for the Musee Eden.

“A.D. is great television, great art and great theology,” Dr. Baehr opined. “It shows the power of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ in the lives of the disciples and the Roman world.”

Dr. Baehr has published an article on “Jesus in the Movies and TV.” To get a digital or print copy of the entire article, contact Movieguide® at 1-888-248-6689 or

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