Now and Then

Joe and Grace Fox

Both Joe and Grace Fox are significant role models. Grace Fox is a very well-known and highly respected woman. She has accomplished much to date and has met and worked with many political icons, decision-makers that are in positions to effect ‘change for the better’ in the Manitoulin community. As education director in Wikwemikong just prior to the construction of the Wikwemikong High School, and presently, as school trustee for the eleven First Nations represented by the Rainbow Board, Grace has been part of many innovations on the educational front. She has been part of a team that has negotiated strategies with former Prime Minister Paul Martin, former Lt. Governor James Bartleman, and Liz Sandals, the current Education Minister for Ontario. She has also spent time with First Nation activist Cindy Blackstock, with Justice Murray Sinclair, Commissioner of the Residential School Reconciliation project, and shared some laughter with David Suzuki when he visited M’Chigeeng.

Joe Fox has been a trusted Deacon in M’Chigeeng for 38 years. He has helped numerous people at stressful times in their lives. He speaks of two life-changing events. The first was the occasion of his meeting with Pope, John Paul II at the time of the Pope’s visit to Midland in 1984. Joe was handed a bible by the Pontiff in a ceremony that will forever evoke powerful feelings for him. Perhaps even more moving was Prime Minister Stephen

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