Pennsbury choir trip to Europe an unforgettable experience

Not even a visit to the hospital could diminish the thrill of my adventures in Germany and Austria.

I, along with 98 other students and six teachers, traveled with the the Pennsbury choir on our once-in-a-lifetime journey overseas to sing in famed German churches Thomaskirche and Nikolaikirche, and many other cathedrals along the way.

We explored Salzburg, Austria, learning about the rich history, and saw many of the beautiful sights from the film “The Sound of Music.” I can now say I have touched the gazebo and breathed the same air that Julie Andrews once did.

My best friend and I put a love lock on a bridge that was filled with them, and I discovered why European Starbucks is better than its unfortunate American counterpart. My friends and I traipsed around the streets of Salzburg’s Old Town, ducking in and out of tourist traps and anywhere we could buy food.

Our group then moved on our way to Oberammergau in Germany. Many of us stepped off the bus singing “Belle” from “Beauty and the Beast” as the gorgeous fairy-tale town was laid out before us.

Before we began our rehearsals for our many concerts, the students were able to find every little nook and cranny of this beautiful town, practicing our language skills with some native Germans and surviving the German supermarket with non-English speaking cashiers. I am proud to say I made it out

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