Scholars issue report on Oberammergau Passion Play

A first-ever major study of the Oberammergau Passion Play by leading scholars on Christian-Jewish relations, released Friday, details the positive and negative aspects on how it portrays Jews, Judaism and Jesus.


The 16-page report examines the 2010 script of the world’s oldest passion play which was last performed in 2000 in Germany. The new production, depicting the last days of Jesus, officially premieres on May 15.


In a section on recommendations, the scholars suggest play officials compose a totally new script using contemporary biblical studies and historical research in order to eliminate continuing damaging negative stereotypes of Jews and Judaism.


The study was initiated by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Council of Centers on Jewish Christian Relations (CCJR), the nation’s leading association of academic and educational centers and institutes devoted to enhancing mutual understanding between Jews and Christians. Nine scholars and interfaith experts participated in the study.


The report is supported by the American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith International and the National Council of Synagogues.


The scholars report is based on a study of the 2010 script in German and English. The report stressed that it does not consider issues of staging, music, casting, costuming and other theatrical factors which can “significantly” affect the presentation of the story.


The full report can be accessed here:


The scholars explained that Passion Plays, which for centuries have expressed popular devotion to Jesus, “have also typically depicted the Jewish people as unfaithful to God and as ‘Christ killers,’ a

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