The end of The Miracle | Sanpete County Commentary

The Mormon Miracle Pageant ends a week from Saturday on June 22nd. I mean, it really ends – as in it will be the last performance ever. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has decided that most church pageants will be phased out, as I understand it.

Evidently it is felt that the Manti Pageant has served its purpose. The lights will go down forever after the eight-night run of the show this year.

I have mixed feelings. It’s hard to see traditions be retired. But it will certainly free up a lot of time for Sanpete families who have been so involved for so many years.

For those connected to the pageant, there have been so many long hours of planning, rehearsals and performances. I’ve known some of the directors over the years. There are many early mornings and late nights.

There has been lots of hard labor setting up scenery and getting thousands and thousands of chairs arranged for the audience. There are dozens and dozens involved in behind the scenes work that most people never think about. The costume staff is just one category.

Fatigue sets in before the performance run even begins. I call it being “miracle whipped.” But it must not be too bad, because Sanpete has pitched in to do it year after year.

No one has taken me seriously when I have suggested that we should do the Mormon Miracle Pageant just once every 10 years like the famous Passion Play in Oberammergau, Germany. That play runs

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