Kassel, President of the government with a gunshot wound to the head found dead

messages in the Short Overview:

the murder investigation into the death of Kassel, President of the government (18.52)Merkel wants to put a Grand coalition to continue (17.52 PM)AfD-Chef Meuthen calls for the resignation of the Federal government (16.32 hours)SPD: interim solution for Nahles successor? (15.17 hours), and the North sea: a Migrant with a self-built raft saved (13: 53)SPD-Head Nahles announces resignation (9.57 PM)

to take The news of the weekend in the star-Ticker:

+++ 21.04 PM: Stephan Because without the “ambitions” on Nahles succession +++

The lower Saxony Prime Minister Stephan Weil is aiming for after the resignation announcement of SPD leader Andrea Nahles, the party presidency. “I’m terribly happy, Prime Minister of lower Saxony, and have no other ambitions,” said Because the NDR regional magazine “Hallo Niedersachsen” according to the website of the sender. Because it was so far West Pomerania as well as the Minister-President of Mecklenburg -, Manuela Schwesig, as a possible successor of Nahles traded. Nahles had on Sunday announced surprisingly its resignation as party boss. The SPD plunges even deeper into a crisis of the Grand coalition brings falter.

+++ 20.34 clock: a Minimum of two refugees in the Mediterranean sea, drowned +++

The sinking of a refugee boat on the Mediterranean sea, a woman and a Baby drowned. Up to 25

Article source: https://www.ccdiscovery.com/kassel-president-of-the-government-with-a-gunshot-wound-to-the-head-found-dead