Man stabs 16-Year-old with a knife from the back of the neck

Bremen: man stabs 16-Year-old with a knife in the neck

A teenager is reportedly in a tram in Bremen, Germany by an Unknown with a knife in the neck stabbed. The 16-Year-old had been seriously injured, suspended but in life-threatening danger, said a police spokeswoman on Sunday.

The young person was driving with a friend in the night to Saturday with the train, as the two had been insulted by another passenger. When they wanted to implement, stabbed the man to the young people, therefore, in the back of the neck. Then the culprit had escaped to a stop. The young people came to in a hospital.

source: DPA

Ulm: a man inadvertently puts a hedge on fire

This action went mightily to the rear: In Ulm (Baden-Württemberg), has set a 42-Year-old, when Fighting of weeds, accidentally, about eight meters long and 2.5 meters high thuja hedge on fire. The police announced, before the man went on Saturday afternoon with a gas Burner against the unwanted plants, when suddenly the hedge started a fire that burned ultimately completely down.

Through the heat damage to a nearby building easier to property. Alerted, firefighters were only able to delete the remnants of the hedge, – stated in the press release.

source: police in Ulm

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