Passion Play: A Triduum Tradition

As the Church celebrates Holy Week and recalls in a special way the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Catholics around the world turn to artistic depictions of these events in order that they may become more realistic and poignant in their lives. 

Pictures and movies about the Passion may be part of this effort, as are live re-enactments, or “Passion Plays,” performed in venues throughout the world. The most famous Passion Play is in Oberammergau, Bavaria, Germany, performed every 10 years since 1634 (with the next performance scheduled for 2020), but there are many smaller productions throughout the country making an impact in the lives of Catholics.

In Los Angeles, Jonathan Roumie and Maria Vargo are producers, directors and lead actors of The Last Days: The Passion and Death of Jesus The Christ, which is being performed five times at Immanuel Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles, with the last performance at 3pm on Good Friday (see Roumie portrays Christ, and Vargo plays Mary. The play begins with Christ teaching in the Temple and ends with his death and burial, with material taken from all four Gospels. Portions of the play also reflect some of their own interpretations, such as during the Pietà scene, when Mary holds the body of Jesus after he is taken from the cross, when Vargo, as Mary, delivers a monologue expressing the thoughts and emotions Mary may have had at that moment.

The play is in its eighth year and in its second year with its current

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