A Catholic you want to know: Mike Ferguson

Catholic Charismatic Conference musician helps Asian immigrants learn English

Published: January 14, 2019

Why you want to know Mike Ferguson: Ferguson, who converted to Catholicism in 1998, has shared his many gifts and talents with the Catholic Charismatic Conference, playing music with a group for 18 years. In his parish, he has been a substitute musician, Eucharistic minister and religious education teacher. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus fourth degree assembly and Our Lady of the Assumption, Booneville Council. He has helped a number of Asian immigrants learn English and become citizens and is currently helping Dominican Sisters Maria Lieu Hoang and Maria Hoa with the written English skills they need to succeed at the University of Arkansas-Fort Smith. He and his wife Rita have been going to weekly adoration for 20 years. In his home recording studio, he has recorded a praise and worship CD, which includes four original compositions, played on guitars and instruments he has built himself. As part of his care for God’s creation, he has taken up beekeeping and is working, with many other beekeepers, on ways to eradicate the small hive beetles that are contributing to bee extinction.

Parish: Sacred Heart of Mary Church, Barling

Age: 64

Family: Married to Rita; one daughter and one son

Career: Retired from Southwestern Bell, where

Article source: https://www.arkansas-catholic.org/news/article/5899/A-Catholic-you-want-to-know-Mike-Ferguson