Devout Catholics takes up the role of a lifetime in world famous Oberammergau Passion Play

Major role: Frederik Mayet will play Jesus in the Oberammergau Passion Play in 2020.

GERMAN actor and devout Catholic Frederik Maye, sips coffee in a trendy city café, considering his role playing Jesus Christ in the world famous Oberammergau Passion Play.

“It’s a big honour,” the 39 year old said.

Mr Mayet is visiting Australia helping to promote the event that attracts half a million visitors to his tiny Bavarian hamlet.

The Oberammergau Passion Play dates back to 1634 and is performed only once every 10 years, and importantly, each actor must be a native of Oberammergau.

“Everyone who takes part must have been born in the village or have lived there at least 20 years,” Mr Mayet said.

“So you really grow up into the passion play and into the faith and the ideas of Jesus. 

“My great grandfather moved to Oberammergau in in 1890. 

“He was a wood carver which is a job that also has a long tradition in this village in Germany.”

Mr Mayet’s love of theatre led to his career working in theatre production and publicity in Munich.

He played John the Apostle in the 2010 passion play, and was surprised to be picked for the lead role for the coming performance, to be held in May, 2020.

Rather than audition, tradition dictates that villagers register interest in the play, and then the director decides and the names of the players are posted on a notice board outside the theatre.

“My name appeared next to the role of Jesus and so

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