Wayland Alumni Association announces launch of new travel program

PLAINVIEW – The Wayland Alumni Association recently announced the launch of a new program designed to provide unique opportunities to connect with WBU alumni and leadership while enjoying amazing venues and once-in-a-lifetime sights and sounds.

Wayland Alumni Travel formally launched Dec. 1 with two trips already on the books for guests. A five-day trip to Springfield-Boston-Salem, Mass., is offered for September 2019, and a longer 11-day Classic Austria and Germany trip is planned for June 30-July 10, 2020.

“We have been considering alumni travel for about a year now and working on what trips to launch with the new program. We believe this will give our alumni and friends a great chance to visit places they may have always dreamed about without having to do the legwork to put together such adventures,” said Alumni Director Teresa Young. “Besides, what could be more fun than experiencing

Article source: https://www.myplainview.com/news/education/article/Wayland-Alumni-Association-announces-launch-of-13544409.php