Helping others defines Leding’s school years

Deacon Roy Goetz inspired Altus teen to show compassion

Published: June 6, 2017

Braxton Leding had no reason to attend Subiaco Academy. None of his three older brothers did and had it not been for the persistence of his parish priest, Father David Bellinghausen, he probably wouldn’t have given the boarding school a second thought.

“(Father Bellinghausen) just kind of hinted about it, wanted me to take a tour and stuff like that,” Leding remembers. “So finally, after putting it off for so long, I was like, ‘Yeah, I’ll try it.’

“Then I came here, and this was over the summer so there was no students there, but as soon as I stepped on the grounds it was like a feeling of ‘Hey, this is home.’ So we started the process and then I ended up there.”

Leding, son of Albert and Janet Leding, was a perfect match for the school. Growing up in nearby Altus, he was an active member of St. Mary Church there as an altar server and as a volunteer with the local Knights of Columbus’ projects.

He was also a budding musician and was drawn to Subiaco’s famed Jazz Band like a magnet. During his four years at the school, he’d stand out not only for his musicianship, but his willingness to help out behind the scenes. Asked to identify

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