FT Weekend Quiz: Georgia O’Keeffe, Chris Hemsworth and The Crocodile Hunter

All the answers here are linked in some way. Once you’ve spotted the link, any you didn’t know the first time around should become easier.

  1. Who was the British prime minister at the time of 1832 Great Reform Act?
  2. Georgia O’Keeffe (below) died in which American state capital, where there’s now a museum dedicated to her work?
    © Getty
  3. Which British boxer became the WBA world heavyweight champion in 2009, after beating an opponent more than seven stone heavier than him?
  4. Naomi Watts, Heath Ledger and Chris Hemsworth all appeared in which TV soap opera?
  5. What’s the longest river in Scotland?
  6. Which American comedian and actress wrote the bestselling 2011 autobiography Bossypants?
  7. What is performed for five months every 10 years in the German town of Oberammergau?
  8. Which US naval base is in Cuba?
  9. Zoologically speaking, what’s the more common three-word phrase for a raptor?
  10. The wildlife presenter Steve Irwin, aka The Crocodile Hunter, was killed in 2006 by what kind of animal?

Click here for the answers

Article source: https://www.ft.com/content/16b4f90a-fcf9-11e8-ac00-57a2a826423e