How to Choose the Right Oberammergau Passion Play in 2020

For the past 400 years, the Bavarian hamlet of Oberammergau transforms itself into a stage for the “Passion of Christ,” depicting the life and death of Jesus Christ, performed by local residents.

As Christians the world over recently observe the Passion of Christ on Good Friday, tour operators around the globe are hawking tickets to the 102 performances from May 16 to Oct. 4, 2020.

The play is performed five days per week in an open-air theater that seats about 4,700 people. It is anticipated that more than 750,000 will attend.

Even though it happens just once a decade, Ariel Gold, head of PR North America at the German National Tourist Office in New York, says, “Oberammergau is very significant for Germany – every 10 years. It tends to ‘disappear’ somewhat into obscurity during the time in between.”

However, with the development of social media, the presence in the general consciousness and the overall interest is much stronger today in comparison to 10 years ago.” Christians comprise about 30 percent of Germany’s population; worldwide Christianity accounts for 2.1 billion followers.

Securing tickets early
Competition for tickets is legendary. Tour operators invest their own money in inventory so they tend to place pressure on agents to persuade clients to place deposits as early as two years in advance and pay in full within a year of the event.

Yet some operators claim there is no great rush as tickets abound, says Edita Krunic, president of Select International Tours and Cruise, and a founding member of the Faith

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