Rick Sivers To Lead Oberammergau Passion Play Information Session

Rick Sivers To Lead Oberammergau Passion Play Information Session

MINETTO – Rick Sivers, former pastor of the Minetto United Methodist Church, will lead an informational session on the upcoming 2020 Passion Play at Oberammergau, Germany.

The open session will be held March 18 at 2 p.m. at the Minetto United Methodist Church.

The upcoming 12-day trip will be Sivers third time attending the Passion Play; this time taking in not only the Passion Play, but visits to Berlin, Prague, Cesky Krumlov, Vienna, Salzburg and Munich and more.

The Passion Play at Oberammergau is world famous and has been part of the theater and religious history of the small German town since 1634 when villagers first performed the play in response to answered prayers to be spared the ravages of the plague.

With only a few exceptions, the play has been staged every ten years since.

The play is performed from May through October, has a cast and crew of moer than 2,000 local residents staged in a theater that seats 4700.

The information session will include a Powerpoint photo show of locations to be visited and a discussion of the trip.

Sivers previously has visited most of the locations either on his own or on tours.

“This will be an exciting trip, and one that participants will never forget,” said Sivers. “If you love history, architecture, and art, this is an experience you will remember forever.”


Article source: https://oswegocountytoday.com/rick-sivers-to-lead-oberammergau-passion-play-information-session/