Reasons why we love Germany

A record 5,541,744 overnight stays by British visitors to Germany were recorded in 2015 – an increase of 7.4 per cent on the previous year, according to the German National Tourist Office. It believes the country’s growing popularity among Britons is thanks to “the sheer choice and variety of holidays” on offer, from stays in “picture-box” villages to hiking breaks through its 16 national parks and along its “bracing coastline”. We’d like to make a case for the following factors…

How our love for Germany is growing

1. It’s home to the most “fun” city in the world

Berlin has emerged as one of greatest party/clubbing destinations on the planet – and the most “fun” city on Earth according a 2014 ranking

Berlin: hip


  1. Berlin
  2. London 
  3. Paris
  4. New York
  5. Tokyo
  6. Hamburg
  7. Rome
  8. Vienna
  9. Barcelona
  10. Istanbul

2. They’ve got a phrase for everything

Our favourites are backpfeifengesicht (“a face badly in need of a fist”), verschlimmbessern (“to make something worse while trying to improve it”), and schnapsidee (“a brilliant plan one hatches while drunk”).

“A face badly in need of a fist”

3. And some brilliantly long words

The word Rindfleischetikettierungsueberwachungsaufgabenuebertragungsgesetz (law delegating beef label monitoring) was removed from the German language a few years ago, but there are still some crackers – kraftfahrzeughaftpflichtversicherung (automobile liability insurance) and donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitaenswitwe (widow of a Danube steamboat company captain), to name but two.

4. They invented the Christmas market

Sizzling sausages, Glühwein and gingerbread… But just as the British pub cannot be reproduced abroad, so the British

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