Renowned Performance Artist Robert Wilson On Stage At University of Hartford

Robert Wilson needs more time.

The eminent theater artist, known for his languorous, meditative, shape-shifting productions is in a meeting Monday afternoon and asks me to call again in 15 minutes.

Robert Wilson is giving a three-hour lecture/performance Thursday, March 10, at the University of Hartford’s Lincoln Theater.

It’s not the first time I’ve waited, with anticipatory pleasure, for an audience with the wondrous, time-warping Wilson. As a college student in the mid-1980s, I saw him perform at an AIDS benefit in Cambridge, Mass. Wilson’s entrance took 25 minutes, as he walked with ultra-slow, angular physical grace toward the center of the stage. Once there, he quietly recited leisurely excerpts from the text he and David Byrne had prepared for their multi-media collaboration “The Knee Plays.”