A town that keeps its promise

Oberammergau is a small town in southern Germany in the state of Bavaria, which has become world renowned and celebrated for its Passion Play presentation. A passion play portrays the week in Jesus’ life between Palm Sunday and Easter when He entered Jerusalem, was crucified and resurrected.

Our story begins in 1634, when the bubonic plague was sweeping the region. The inhabitants of Oberammergau vowed if they were spared the deadly disease, they would perform a passion play every decade. After the vow was made, not another inhabitant died of the plague and those who were ill, recovered.

The people of Oberammergau have kept their word all these years. Their Passion Play is performed in every year ending in a zero, in addition 1934 (the 300th anniversary) and 1984 (the 350th anniversary). The 1940 presentation was cancelled due to World War II.

About half the inhabitants of Oberammergau (5200 population) participate in the open air production but only natives of the village can audition for a role. There are no participants from other parts of Germany or the world, only Oberammergau citizens who have resided in the town for a minimum of twenty years can be included in the cast.

The cast includes 962 men, 850 women, 450 children, one donkey, ten sheep and six doves. There are also 100 chorus members plus the orchestra who perform in the five hour play for over 100 performances. All are amateurs who are employed in “normal” jobs when not performing. If you are in the

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