26-Year-old dies on the Deichbrand Festival in Cuxhaven

Cuxhaven: 26-Year-old dies on Deichbrand Festival

A 26-Year-old is dead in their tent on the site of the deichbrand festival in Cuxhaven, Germany, found. Visitors to the lifeless young woman is discovered and the alarm immediately, the rescue workers, police said. Despite Reanimation attempts of the emergency doctor could only establish the death of the 26-Year-old. The police has started the investigation. Currently, there is no evidence that negligence on the debt or on the taking of illicit substances indicate that. The Prosecutor’s office in Stade, wanted to decide on a post-mortem examination. Pastors have to care for relatives and friends of the deceased.

source: DPA

Lüneburg: gliders collide – Pilot saves himself with a parachute

A glider pilot is in Lüneburg after the collision with another glider crashed. The Pilot was able to parachute rescue, said a police spokesman on Sunday. The man suffered minor injuries. The Pilot of the other damaged aircraft had to make an emergency landing. According to the speaker, it came in about 1000 meters of altitude over the district of moor field to the collision. The cause was initially unclear.

The debris field have a Radius of several kilometers, a spokesman said. Of the flying debris, no one had been injured. It is a lot of luck was in the game. The police had to arrange

Article source: https://www.ccdiscovery.com/26-year-old-dies-on-the-deichbrand-festival-in-cuxhaven