Join us in 2020! | Dan Peterson


Vasa in the Vasamuseet
The recovered seventeenth-century Swedish warship “Vasa”
(Wikimedia Commons public domain photo)


Next year, for the first time in a very long while, I’m not scheduled to accompany a tour to Israel or anywhere else in the Middle East.  I’ll do it again the following year, 2021, presumably (and presuming that nothing serious intervenes), but my wife and I decided that we needed a break, a change of pace.


So . . .


In 2020, we’re currently scheduled to accompany two tours.  Neither one of them goes to the Middle East.


The first of the two tours will run for thirteen days in June, with an optional add-on of four days.  It is focused on the famous Passion Play in the Bavarian village of Oberammergau — which runs every ten years, and which I’ve seen during three previous seasons — and on certain extremely dramatic events surrounding the Lutheran Reformation:


I’m really excited about this one.  It was my idea, I’ve had considerable input on its design, and there are a lot of things that I want to say about these subjects.  Another reason that I’m excited is that I have a deep affection for Austria, Bavaria, and Switzerland (where I served my mission and to which I have returned many times).


It’s possible that the tour is sold out.  I don’t know.  But, even if so, Cruise Lady is running three other tours to Oberammergau, with my friends Brad Wilcox

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