Young leaders welcome 400 to statewide youth convention

Led by the peer Youth Advisory Team, the state Catholic Youth Ministry convention April 5-7 in Little Rock hosted more than 400 Catholic youth from around the state to sing, pray and, in the words of Bishop Anthony B. Taylor, keep the church young. (Dwain Hebda photo)

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YAC members tell about sense of family in diocesan Catholic Youth Ministry events

Published: April 11, 2019

It’s early on a Saturday morning in Little Rock and Youth Advisory Council members are straggling into their first obligation of the day. It’s a rehearsal for a skit they’ll soon perform before 400 or so attendees at the 2019 Diocese of Little Rock’s Catholic Youth Convention, an event held April 5-7 in Little Rock.

The YAC members, denoted by their dark blue T-shirts, are groggy. Last night’s program wrapped late and as conference counselors of sorts, they spent extra time helping ensure attendees dispersed to their rooms in a quiet and orderly manner, then sat for a mandatory debrief. Throw in some clean up and unwind time among roommates and morning dawned very early indeed.

But this is what being on YAC is all about and all agree

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