Teens saluted for being Catholic role models statewide

Duo worked together while serving on Diocesan Youth Advisory Council

Published: May 13, 2019

HOT SPRINGS — Two friends who are members of the Diocesan Youth Advisory Council were awarded the St. Timothy Award, the highest honor the diocese bestows on graduating high school students.

Caroline Martine, of Little Rock, and Collin Gallimore, of Hot Springs, were awarded the St. Timothy Award during the Catholic Youth State Convention in Little Rock April 5.

“It was really unexpected. I didn’t see it coming. It was the biggest honor I have ever received,” Gallimore said.

“I was very honored and humbled by it,” Martine said. “To me this is a big deal to be recognized and that they thought of me as someone who is qualified to receive this award.”

The application for the award says the recipients are recognized because they live as a disciple of Christ by setting a positive example for others, exhibit Catholic morals and integrity, provide service to others and are Christian leaders.

Martine, daughter of William and Audrey Martine, will graduate from Mount St. Mary Academy May 20 and will attend Auburn University, majoring in exercise science.

Martine and her family attend Christ the King Church. Becky Ridgeway, associate director of youth ministry, nominated Martine for the award.

“Be just like St. Timothy. Whatever you do you keep God in the center

Article source: https://www.arkansas-catholic.org/news/article/6044/Teens-saluted-for-being-Catholic-role-models-statewide