Triumph of the Will (reborn)

While Goebbels is much to blame for this image, Hitler was fully cognizant of the virtues of propaganda. PHOTO: FILEWhile Goebbels is much to blame for this image, Hitler was fully cognizant of the virtues of propaganda. PHOTO: FILE

While Goebbels is much to blame for this image, Hitler was fully cognizant of the virtues of propaganda. PHOTO: FILE

The writer is an Islamabad-based TV journalist and tweets @FarrukhKPitafiThe writer is an Islamabad-based TV journalist and tweets @FarrukhKPitafi
While Goebbels is much to blame for this image, Hitler was fully cognizant of the virtues of propaganda. PHOTO: FILEWhile Goebbels is much to blame for this image, Hitler was fully cognizant of the virtues of propaganda. PHOTO: FILE

Among many biographies of Hitler that are available I found John Toland’s very helpful. Despite his controversial position on Pearl Harbour elaborated elsewhere, as far as this book is concerned, he does a great job of giving history in granular detail without attaching any value to it. It helps the reader in making his own mind. The invariable outcome however is that you find Hitler to be every bit the villain that he was in addition to being deeply flawed and inexorably ordinary. However, what stands out in this

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