Above the Fold: Jews as Judas in 2019

To commemorate the Christian holiday of Easter, a small town in southern Poland named Pruchnik burned a Jew in effigy.

The local townspeople, many of them children, gathered in the town square. Then, in front of onlookers, they beat an 18-foot tall doll, dressed to look like a bearded hassid – complete with a long, hooked nose, “peyot” (sidelocks) and a black hat. After the flogging, the townspeople dragged the huge – by now bedraggled – doll to the bridge. They set it aflame and threw it into the river.

The doll was supposed to symbolize Judas who, according to the Christian Bible, betrayed Jesus. Emblazoned on the front of the shirt worn by the doll was the name “Judas” and “2019.”

Understand this clearly. This was not a misrepresentation. It was not a reenactment. This was not a group of people taking out their collective, religious anger at Judas as found in the Christian Bible. The presence of the year 2019 clearly anchors this event in today’s world. In other words, the Jews of today are responsible for the death of Jesus.

Both the Polish government and the Catholic Church decried the hateful and shocking act.

It is a well-known open secret that these ritualistic events have been taking place over the centuries. Once a commonplace practice, it is now less and less frequent, but still not out of the ordinary.

The Christian burning of Jewish effigies has a long history. These burnings

Article source: https://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Above-the-Fold-Jews-as-Judas-in-2019-588311