Letter: Trip to Berlin is a March highlight

I celebrated my birthday this month and was happy to have my American family come to visit. It was wonderful to see them again after eight months of being apart. We took a train to Berlin since this year marks the 30th anniversary of the wall coming down. We enjoyed many of the sights there including the Reichstag, the meeting place of the German parliament. It was amazing to see the view of all of Berlin from the top. We also toured the Memorial for Murdered Jews, a beautiful maze-like sculpture of blocks ranging in size, as well as the Sinti and Roma Memorial. I was interested in this sight because this year in school I read a book about a boy who was prosecuted for being a Sinti and Roma and watched a video about the memorial, so I was glad I actually got to see it in person.

We went to Checkpoint Charlie and saw the museum there. It is crazy to see all the different tactics people used to escape from East Berlin. We visited the Brandenburg Gate both at night and during the day so we could see the different perspectives. My favorite activity was when we walked along the wall at the East Side Gallery. After the wall was torn down, people were able to paint murals on portions that remained, and it was fun to see all of the creativity.

We had breakfast in a revolving restaurant at the Fernsehturm, a television

Article source: https://www.dglobe.com/opinion/letters/4595551-letter-trip-berlin-march-highlight