“The play’s the thing” | Dan Peterson


Elder Perry's mountain cabin!!!
We’ll be visiting Neuschwanstein Castle along the way.  (Wikimedia Commons public domain image)


If you’ve been thinking that it might be fun to come along with my group to the famous Passion Play in Oberammergau, Bavaria, in 2020, you probably need to decide on that really, really soon.  I’m told that the tour is very near to being sold out:






The new Hale Centre Theatre in Sandy.
I’ve taken this beautiful photograph from the Hale Centre Theatre’s website. I hope that they won’t mind.


On Monday night, my wife and I joined with friends for dinner and then, with them, attended a performance of the musical An American in Paris.  The music and lyrics, of course, were by George Gershwin and his brother, Ira.  And — needless to say — they were very good.


The musical stage adaptation itself is of relatively recent vintage, but I enjoyed it.  And, although I’m scarcely a balletomane, I have to acknowledge the fact that Juliet Doherty, who played — and danced — the role of Lise, was very, very, very good.


I’ve said it before, but I don’t tire of saying it:  The Hale Center Theater in Orem is a local gem that I really appreciate, and the Hale Centre Theatre is an absolute treasure — particularly in its still fairly new two-stage facility in Sandy.  If

Article source: https://www.patheos.com/blogs/danpeterson/2019/03/the-plays-the-thing.html