Germany and Austria in 2020! | Dan Peterson


Doepler 1860 Oberammergau image
“The village of Oberammergau in Upper Bavaria, with the stage for the passion play. Original etching by C. E. Doepler” [1860]  (My translation; Wikimedia Commons public domain image)


Some of you are aware, I think, that I’ll be leading a tour in 2020 centered on the famous “passion play” (devoted to the last days of Christ) that has been performed in the beautiful little Bavarian village of Oberammergau essentially every decade — in years ending in zero — since its first staging in 1634 during a time when the plague was ravaging the area.


I’m quite excited about this.  For one thing, I absolutely love the Alpine region of Bavaria, Austria, and Switzerland.  (I served my mission in German-speaking Switzerland.)  For another, I’ve attended the play three times before — in 1970, for a special 350th anniversary performance in 1984, and again in 2010.  So, when I saw that 2020 was coming up, I told Diane Larsen, the owner of Cruise Lady, that I would be attending the play and that, if she wanted to, she could build a tour around that fact.  Or not.


Well, there’s a tour.


We’ll not only attend the play, but we’ll visit Munich’s Nymphenburg Palace, Berchtesgaden, the Königssee, and, at the end, Berlin.


Auf dem Knigssee
On the Königssee (Wikimedia CC)


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