After a Wild Drama on the Hörnle: the forest owner urgent appeal addressed to dog owners

An incident on the Hörnle provides a lot of Trouble. A deer calf was half-bitten dead. The hunters are sure that it was a dog that was with ski tourers on the road. Without A Leash.

Update from the 13. February 2019, 09.25 PM:

“I don’t know what to say. Ignorance pur”, “when will the dog get the holder that you need to keep on the linen duty,” “Endless suffering for the wild animals” – this and similar comments are on Facebook to the incidents on the Hörnle, and the Altherrenweg in Oberammergau, where recently, three deer and two deer calves of free-running dogs have been ripped. The Hörnle mountain, it was probably a ski mountaineer, whose dog chased a deer calf to the point of total exhaustion – it had to be a hunter by his suffering redeemed, at the Altherrenweg dogs of walkers are expected to have the deer ripped. The perception of the professional hunter, Dominik Rödel suggests, the heard a Person over a longer period of time after his dog screaming. No question, the cases attract the minds and contribute to the mood of the Hörnle mountain, where there is anyway to Controversies between recreational athletes and basic owners as well as hunters, in addition to fueled.

incidents in the Altherrenweg now takes the private forest community (PWG) of Oberammergau on the occasion, to take preventive measures. It has requested from the district office, here

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