Catholic Pilgrimages Are Opportunities to Seek God

By Father Gerard Sauer

Father Gerard Sauer

From the day you are baptized, you are called to embark upon a journey of faith with Christ. Early Christians sought to literally follow in the footsteps of Jesus by traveling to sacred sites that were part of His life and ministry.

Christians continue this tradition today by making pilgrimages – or spiritual journeys – to holy places connected with Jesus, apparitions of the Blessed Mother or the lives of the saints. It is an opportunity to pray and meditate, grow in faith and seek God in every encounter.

Some pilgrims undertake these spiritual journeys to learn more about their faith, to ask God for a particular intention, perhaps a conversion of heart, or in thanksgiving for a favor granted. For others, it is a time of sacrifice and penance.

Early Christian pilgrims would take the risk of leaving the comfort and security of their homes to make this sacred journey on foot, often walking hundreds of miles with nothing but what they could carry on their backs. They often traveled in groups for security, but this also gave them the chance to discover God in each other.

Modern-day pilgrims still travel in groups, not so much for safety reasons, but for the sense of family and community that comes from sharing a common belief and experience of faith.

Spiritual in Nature

A pilgrimage is not a vacation nor a guided tour. While there may be occasions for cultural experiences and

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