Best. Mom. Ever.

“Best Mom Ever.” How many times have you seen those words emblazoned across a picture frame or a T-shirt or a holiday ornament?

It’s such a simple piece of praise—and yet it says so very much. Think about it: Each one of those words is powerful all by itself. “Best”—that means in the whole world, there’s none more impressive. “Mom”—well, every single one of us who walks this earth has a mother who gave us life. “Ever”—that’s the entirety of all history, a timeframe so vast that we can barely even conceive it.

So when someone calls their mother the best mom ever, what they’re saying is: “You know what? There have been 100 billion people born to mothers in the whole span of human existence, and out of all of them, my mom is the greatest example of motherhood who has ever graced the surface of this planet.”

What kind of mom inspires such utter love, devotion and respect in her kids? As it turns out, a mother’s obituary—where her adult children have the final chance to express their perspective on what their mom was like—might just be the best place to answer that question.

A search through’s historic archive of death notices turned up quite a few obituaries that described their subjects as the “best mom ever.” Here’s a sampling of what those lives looked like.

“She stepped out of the working world to be the best mom ever,” one 2018 obituary from California reads. “She opened the door to all

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