Growing Your Group Business

There’s a lot of buzz surrounding group travel—be it multigenerational family groups or groups based on special interests, special occasions or events. Yet travel agents can’t assume that the challenges of qualifying and promoting these types of group travel are the same.

Agents who sell groups say understanding the differences can be key to success when tapping into the group travel market. “Although there is some overlap, I think of groups in terms of three major categories: a group that is self-selected by one or more parameters, such as a shared interest; a multigenerational family group; and a prearranged itinerary that attracts travelers who may or may not be acquainted,” said R.G. Gavel of Harvard, Mass.-based Travel Repertoire, a Travel Experts affiliate.

For family groups, she said extra care must be taken to identify ages, interests and levels of fitness, adding that agents may have to take into “consideration a wide range of requirements, from available facilities for infants, to minimal stairs or special transportation for a great-grandparent.”

Christopher Koch of CK Global Travel, in Raleigh, N.C., a Travel Experts affiliate, contrasted multigenerational groups with faith-based groups, which he also sells. “With multigenerational families, interests can be markedly different as opposed to a faith-based tour,” he said. “I have on several occasions reached out to grandparents, parents and their children to inquire as to what they want to see and do.”

In general, “a good group travel planner will have key qualifying questions to determine if the group is viable,” said Viola DeVelasco, Avoya

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