VOICE OF THE PEOPLE – Jan. 12, 2018

Brush-off on autism

Re: Justin Trudeau’s response to Carly Sutherland, the Bedford mother who asked him this week at a “town hall” meeting in Lower Sackville about an autism strategy. The prime minister mentioned amounts of money spent mainly on research, which is essential, but it is not the answer.

The small volunteer group I work with is very aware that hundreds of parents of autistic people in Nova Scotia are depressed, stressed out and discouraged because no one seems to be listening. More importantly, no one is acting. There may be millions spent on research, but nothing is being done to help people like Carly. There are so many like her, but they are reluctant to speak out. Carly had the courage to expose her soul in public, hoping for help from our prime minister, and only got a politician’s slick stickhandling in return.

Our group has a plan to begin supplying proper homes with proper care for those people living with autism spectrum disorder who need help now. Not all of the 14,000 ASD people need immediate assistance, but all of them and their caring parents want to know that this community cares and will act when necessary. Those who want action may e-mail me at perry123@eastlink.ca.

Lorne Perry, Dartmouth

Missing the plastics boat

Re: the recent decision to send our recyclable plastics to the landfill in the wake of China’s sudden decision to stop importing them. I am shocked that we are at this point. When

Article source: http://thechronicleherald.ca/opinion/1535946-voice-of-the-people-jan.-12-2018