Puy du Fou (1)

Jose Abeto Zaide

Jose Abeto Zaide

By José Abeto Zaide


Paris, France — We interrupted our sentimental sojourn when Chato and Stephan Vivas invited us to experience Puy du Fou. They said it is a historical theme park in Les Epesses in the heart of the Vendée region of Western France. The park draws more than 2 million visitors every year, making it the second most popular theme park in France after Disneyland Paris. “It’s a good thing that it is in season,” Chato said. “It is the best-selling spectacle in France…and more than Disneyland, it is historical,” Stefan chimed in.

We can readily give in to persuasions of friends, but more so if it would save my shallow pocket from my wife Victoria’s covetous look at St. Honore windowpanes.

I had never heard of Puy du Fou in my 2 1/2 years tour of duty. I thought that this might be something like the passion play performed by Oberammergau in Bavaria every ten years in thanksgiving for being saved from the Black Plague. Au contraire, Puy du Fou runs for half of the year and its main spectacle, the Cinéscénie, has more than two thousand moving parts (i.e., men, women, and children actors).

With Stefan driving like a Les Mans enthusiast, we reached the Chateau Boisniard in two hours. Distinctly black swans were idling by on the waters; and like all chateau hotels in France, the liveried services were warmly welcoming. Our

Article source: http://news.mb.com.ph/?p=421827