Kochuparampil: The power of the resurrection – jacksonprogress

It’s Easter. Alleluia, Alleluia. For He is risen, indeed.

Thirty-one percent of the 7.5 billion people on Earth profess themselves as Christians. The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the tomb is the single and the only reason for their existence as Christians. And this is the single and the only act in history that separates Christianity from every other religion, ideology and belief system. That is why St. Paul boldly states: “And if Christ has not been raised, then empty is our preaching; empty too your faith” (I Cor. 15:14).

Christian faith revolves around the central historical fact of the resurrection of Jesus who was executed by crucifixion.

In southern Germany there is a place called Oberammergau. Since 1634, every 10 years its residents enact the passion play involving a crew of 2,000 performers, musicians and stage technicians, all from the town. The seven-hour-long play acts out in a highly dramatic way the final events of Jesus’ life on earth. After witnessing the agony, the grueling acts of torture, journey to the mount of crucifixion and finally the ignominious death on the cross, the saddened, sorrowful and numbed audience regains life and its joy only when they witness to the fact of Jesus’ coming out of the tomb victorious.

For the passion play the entire town’s people in Oberammergau seriously prepare for 10 years as it takes place once in a decade. The preparation involves spiritual, mental, physical, intellectual, educational, social and many other. The single objective is to make a spiritual impact in

Article source: http://www.jacksonprogress-argus.com/features/kochuparampil-the-power-of-the-resurrection/article_aba1a18b-bd51-50f0-8949-305afd962b02.html