We created cyber space – we need to protect it

Trend Micro, a significant global security provider, hosted its Cybercrime 2016 Threat Defence Summit in Sydney which was attended by over 200 C-level and IT managers – all keen to hear why cybersecurity has become a boardroom imperative.

The speaker line-up was impressive:

  • Charles Lim, Senior Industry Analyst, Cyber Security from Frost Sullivan on “The State of Threat Landscape”
  • Anil Suleyman, Head, Cyber Defence, Emerging Security Challenges Division (ESCD)NATO HQ, Brussels
  • Raimund Genes, Global CTO, Trend Micro on “Strategy for Enterprises Addressing Cyber Threats”
  • And Zak Khan, Director of Advanced Cyber Defence for Trend Micro Australia and New Zealand was the host of the event.

Following are some of the speaker’s paraphrased highlights.


Business needs digital transformation aligned to its end strategy [to survive and thrive] – disruptive change is driving business. But cyber criminals threaten to disrupt that digital disruption. Uber’s database was hacked and trust in that company declined. The value of business today is all about its trust. It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to destroy it.

Australia is highly targeted – more than 50% of ransomware is aimed at Australia because we pay! There were 11,073 reported security ‘incidents’ in 2014 and the loss was conservatively valued at A$17 billion (about 1% of Gross Domestic Product).

The top Australian industries under attack are Energy (29%), Banking, Financial services and insurance (20%), Communications (12%), Defence (10%), Transport (10%) and Water (6%).

In most cases cyber criminals go after the money but increasingly it is about disrupting the

Article source: http://www.itwire.com/business-it-news/security/72746-we-created-cyber-space-%E2%80%93-we-need-to-protect-it.html