Thinking About General James Mattis’ Presidential Prospects

Thinking About General James Mattis’ Presidential Prospects

Ehsan M. Ahrari

It is not a secret that the Republican Party is not happy with its two top presidential contenders: real estate developer Donald Trump and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas.   While party leaders have decided to side with the lesser of two evils—Ted Cruz—the search for an electable candidate is still on.

Several weeks ago, the former mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, released a trial balloon, by stating that he was considering throwing his hat in the presidential ring; but he found no enthusiastic reception by the mainline Republican leadership for his aspiration.  However, the search for a winnable Republican candidate is on.

Now we hear about the growing pressure on retired four-star General James Mattis to run for office.  Thus far, he has not expressed any interest, but that can change.  General Mattis, even though a man of impeccable military record, is controversial for his past blunt statements.  His troops used to call him “Mad Dog Mattis.”  Like most successful generals, he also is known for his salty (and even arrogant) statements describing his professional side.  Consider the following: