Fullerton man sees the Nativity scene many ways – about 200

Henry Jones and his new wife, Vi, had just moved to Fullerton from Mississippi in 1962.

They hadn’t packed Christmas decorations.

At a Pic ‘n Save on Commonwealth Avenue, for $1.29, the couple, devout Methodists, bought a miniature, three piece-nativity set: Baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph, all white and made of hard plastic.

The couple acquired more nativity sets over the next few years and at some point, collecting nativity sets grew into a tradition, Henry Jones said.

Jones and Vi, who died six years ago at age 67, traveled to 57 countries and Jones figures the couple collected nativity sets from at least 35 of them.

“We collected them from all over the world,” Jones, 72, said.

Close to 53 years since buying that first one, the Jones amassed more than 200 sets.

Every single one will be on display on Saturday, Dec. 19 at Fullerton’s First United Methodist Church, where the public is invited to view them. The church is asking only for a donation, which will support church programs.

“I think that is wonderful,” said Jones, who moved to Washington five years ago, soon after his wife died. “This church has a long history of doing good things.”

The nativity sets stayed in Fullerton after Jones moved and have been under the care of his daughter, Kim Galea, 51, who lives in the family’s home.

“They’ve collected them my whole life,” Galea said. “We were always looking for them.”

Some are traditional and some, such as a set with Peanuts characters, not so much.

They range from single-piece

Article source: http://www.ocregister.com/articles/jones-695289-nativity-sets.html