‘Putin to attack if US, allies not united’

The US Army’s top commander in Europe warns that failure among NATO allies to make a robust show of their military capabilities would embolden Russian President Vladimir Putin to take aggressive moves against the alliance.

“So far, we’re sticking together. And as long as we do and as long as we show that we are capable, then there isn’t going to be a Russian attack,” Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges said during a conference of alliance land commanders in Germany, according to Stars and Stripes.

The surest way to prevent an attack, Hodges said, was for the United States and its allies to showcase their might and resolve through a strong military “exercise program.”

“But I am sure, that if he (Putin) senses that the United States won’t respond to support Poland, or that the UK will not support Latvia, or that Portugal will not support Estonia, then I think the possibility for a pre-emptive attack of some sort, I think it’s very possible,” Hodges said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (right) and his Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu (file photo) 

Military leaders and other representatives from NATO and several non-NATO member states took part in the three-day planning conference at the NATO School Oberammergau in southern Germany, which aims to help set the stage for future large-scale training operations around eastern Europe.

Anakonda 16, a major military exercise held every two years, was a major focus at the conference.

Troops from several NATO countries —including around 20,000 US soldiers — will converge on

Article source: http://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2015/05/08/410057/Russia-Putin-attack-NATO-not-united-