Chris Pratt Named As Hasty Pudding Theatricals Man Of The Year

The Hasty Pudding Theatricals, the oldest theatrical organization in the United States, announces Chris Pratt as the recipient of its 2015 Man of the Year Award.

The Pudding is excited to honor a performer who became a bona fide Hollywood heavyweight in the past year, going from lovable supporting roles to headlining two of the highest grossing blockbusters of the year. Pratt joins his Parks Recreation co-star Amy Poehler, who was recently announced as the Hasty Pudding’s 2015 Woman of the Year.

The Man and Woman of the Year Awards are presented annually to performers who have made lasting and impressive contributions to the world of entertainment. The Man of the Year award was established in 1963. Its past recipients include, among others, Clint Eastwood, Tom Cruise, Robert de Niro, Harrison Ford, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Bruce Willis, Justin Timberlake, James Franco, and most recently, Neil Patrick Harris.

The Hasty Pudding Institute of 1770’s philanthropic mission is to provide educational and developmental support in all aspects of the performing arts for the underprivileged, to encourage satire and comedy, and to cultivate young talent around the world. The Institute is comprised of The Hasty Pudding Club (the oldest social club in the United States), The Hasty Pudding Theatricals (the third oldest theater group in the world, after the Comedie Francaise and the Oberammergau Passion Players) and the Harvard Krokodiloes (the foremost collegiate a cappella group in the United States). Over the last two centuries,

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